the 13th astrology sign
mayan astrology
Mat Moura


to understand the "13th sign", ophiuchus, you'll need to study the mayans

they worked with the 13/20 system, 13 months 20 days + easter/neutral day (more about it below)

then the romans broke that connection with the cosmos by using the 12/60 system, 12 hours 60 minutes

though don't get too excited, you can't run away from the roman system if you need to make an appointment

also it is much easier to see the 13 as 12 + 1 as to not break the initiations

  • 12 Signs of the Zodiac
  • 12 Apostles
  • 12 Tribes of Israel
  • 12 Arab tribes
  • 12 Hours of Alchemical Cookings / Boilings
  • 12 pairs of cranial nerves
  • 12 Hours of Apollonius
  • 12 Olympian gods
  • 12 earthly branches on bazi
  • 12 months
  • 12 Hours of the day / night
  • 12 Virtues of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, calmness, gentleness, fidelity, modesty, chastity and abstinence)
  • etc

plus 1 messiah / teacher / master / etc

and even if a 13th, 14th, 15th, etc sign exists, the point of your birth chart is to show you all the programming you have to transcend, don't get too attached to the sign you were born under

the map is not the territory

the 12:60 (12 hours and 60 minutes) system is non-synchronic with the cosmos, they started using it exactly for this purpose

with the Tzolkin you have a 13:20 (20 days and 13 moons) system, with cosmic synchrony

"The Moon makes 13 orbits around the Earth while the Earth completes one orbit around the Sun. Thirteen cycles of 28 days add up to 364 days, and when combined with one day of purification to welcome the New Year, they complete the 365 days of the year. The Moon rotates 90 degrees each week (7 days). Each day corresponds to a movement of 13 degrees. Every 28 days, it completes a full 360-degree rotation.

Due to the elliptical and highly eccentric orbit of the Moon around the Earth, which is itself moving around the Sun, its synodic cycle lasts 29 days and 12 hours. By order of Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII, the measurement of time was altered, to favor the solar cycle (guess who else created and benefits from the most famous solar myth 😆)

The year was divided into 12 uneven months, with different numbers of days. One full lunar month was lost, broken into small portions spread across the other months of the year, and with it, we lost our synchronization with nature and the Solar System.

We began measuring time mechanically, with no relation to the natural cycles of the planet, the Moon, and the Sun. Modern humans see the Universe as a clock, a senseless machine."

13 joints of the body / tones / sounds 20 seals / lights