where's kaabalah - bagman (2024)
where's kaabalah
Mat Moura


the amazing thing about knowing kaabalah is that even on the silliest of movies, you can find how it is used

SPOILER ALERT: if you haven't seen the movie yet and care about being spoiled, stop reading

the movie works with the archetype of the bagman, a history present in many cultures (as the movie also suggests), an archetype already planted on the collective unconscious

from wikipedia: "The Sack Man (also called the Bag Man or Man with the Bag/Sack) is a figure similar to the bogeyman, portrayed as a man with a sack on his back who carries naughty children away.

Variants of this figure appear all over the world, particularly in Latin countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Italy (where he is known as the vecchio col sacco ("the old man with the sack")), and the countries of Latin America, where it is referred to as el Hombre del costal, el hombre del saco, or in Portuguese, o homem do saco (all of which mean "the sack/bag man"), and Eastern Europe. Similar legends are found in Haiti and some countries in Asia."

but here's the catch, on this movie the bagman doesn't go after naughty children, but rather after "dreamers", meaning, children who are more connected to spirituality / their imagination

it lures them with toys (their desires) and traps them on a bag, whoever's near them, let's say their parents, get's paralyzed and starts drooling (some kind of sleep paralysis)

sleep paralysis

before it catches you, it will try to grab a bit of your hair (DNA) so it can track you down wherever you are

it does have a weakness though. the dreamer children always have a totem (toth in, their internal strength), an object they love more than anything else (their spiritual purpose). if the child manages to keep their totem close to them, the bagman will not be able to catch them, but if they lose it, or worse, throw it away, the villain will snatch them

the learning you can take from this is that the bagman really exists, but it isn't necessarily an external entity out to get you, it is the temptations, your low desires, that take you away from your spiritual purpose. putting the material life above everything. getting stuck on fears and the traumas they create.

any fear you have can and will be used to control you

other interesting things I noted:

  • the security company being called "promethean security", referencing the greek titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity
  • the frere jacques song being sang, a highly coded song (checkout Paperback Writer by the Beatles, which got their fame from the occultist Aliester Crowley, and the many different songs that use frere jacques as a base)
  • this specific bagman probably being an ex mine (underworld, subconscious) worker that made a contract to capture and imprison souls
  • the bagman entity being able to easily interfere with technology, turning lights and devices on and off, like a poltergeist, showing you how spirituality is just technology not yet understood, electromagnetism.
  • the bagman existing but only being perceived by the digital senses, which he can also affect
  • the protagonist kid having an "imaginary friend" called dolly. since children were on the other densities too recently, they usually have more access to them.