"8 is the number of money"
the 8th Ark Annum (Justice) key words are: Universal balance, sharing, justice
although the Justice has an analogy with the sign of LIBRA, the zodiacal scales, in the Archeometer it is connected to the sign of Cancer
because The Magician (1st Ark Annum), after gathering experiences by visiting other tribes in his chariot (7th Ark Annum), recognizes the differences between blood ties (ancestors) and spiritual ties (transcendence-ancestral connections), identifying with true love each arrival and departure with his family
the sign of Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and represents family and its inheritances
like a Scale that is always oscillating and never still. Because its function and mission in the Universe is to preserve the Point of Balance of all things. the EIGHT keeps everything running in a perfect, harmonious, and just manner
finding the point of balance in our own human sphere of action and thought is the master key to Self Actualization
this explains why EIGHT was the number of the Noble Path taught by Buddha in his chosen way, the Middle Path, and why there were EIGHT Beatitudes announced by Christ on the Mountain-the Mountain of spiritual and human Self Actualization. (Post: the last two statements merge into one, which is why we can count eight beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, according to Matthew 5:1-12)
because the Truth of Christ and the Enlightenment of Buddha come from the same Divine Source, accessible through Self Actualization!
unfortunately, we live in a time when many people associate the sacred EIGHT with formulas for money and material prosperity... the era of inversion and perversion of sacred and ancient values has caught up with us...
EIGHT is the Middle Path between the two extreme sides of life, which throw the weak off balance into excesses or deficiencies, but the true strength is what keeps us on the middle path, the path of fulfillment
excess means sin (missing a target), loss, destruction, and death
The Middle Way or the Path of Balance is what builds virtue and true immortality in man. exercising CONTROL of the middle path is the way to true spiritual development, because virtues can only be born in a state of balance, while defects are born from the extreme acts of life